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Hekky Shader Docs

Hekky Fake Parallax Cubemap

This simple shader allows you to fake parallax with a single cubemap. Use this to have more convincing windows while still being optimized since it’s still a single cubemap lookup.

Shader Inspector

Cull Mode
Allows you to change the culling mode, or turn it off completely.
The cubemap to use.
Controls how much the cubemap will distort as you go further away from the center of the object.
Altitude scale.
Capture Point
A position (in meters) denoting where the camera was when capturing the cubemap / HDRI.
Only altitude
Only affects altitude (height) if enabled.
Render Queue
Controls when to render this material. See the Unity Docs for more information.
Double Sided Global Illumination
Enables double sided global illumination for this material. See the Unity Docs for more information.